Friday, September 4, 2020

Pros and Cons of an Appreciation in Australian Dollar free essay sample

Advantages and disadvantages of a gratefulness in Australian dollar In the ongoing days, Australian dollar has observers a critical thankfulness and keeps solid. To place in a straightforward manner, energy about Australian dollar, for our customary buyer, implies we can purchase a larger number of merchandise than before utilizing a similar measure of cash. This is brought about by an expansion of procurement intensity of Australian dollar. With respect to selections of customers, remote products are particularly invited for the straightforward explanation that they become generally less expensive than neighborhood delivered merchandise, which is because of the high conversion scale. What's more, for abroad understudy, they will cost more than before to bear the cost of the costly education cost. The education cost in Australia is kept a similar sum; in any case, on account of the high conversion standard of other cash over AUD, abroad understudies need to spend more. As indicated by the authentic measurements of Australian dollar over US dollar, the rate vacillates under 1 during 1986 to June 2010. We will compose a custom exposition test on Advantages and disadvantages of an Appreciation in Australian Dollar or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Anyway the rate arrived at equality in Oct of 2010. A while later, the rate was past 1 and Australian dollar starts to keep solid. The motivation behind why Australian dollar keeps solid and the impacts of thankfulness on customers and speculators ought to be broke down by macroeconomics. The explanation of the thankfulness in Australian dollar is that the solid local economy of Australia and the languid of the United States’ economy. For the principal reason, after the 2008 monetary emergency, the Australian nearby economy stays steady and worldwide expansion prompts costs vacillate which would influence the Australian dollar appreciation. AUD is the ware cash and the Australian dollar was impacted by the items, particularly the mining business. Hence, the AUD will acknowledge as a result of the expanding of the commodities’ cost. Let’s expound the quality of the Australian economy more subtleties. There is no uncertainty that the Australian economy as of late kept up a decent force of advancement, consequently, the swapping scale rise reflects Australia a decent financial development. Australia is wealthy in characteristic assets; there is a ton of coal, iron metal and flammable gas trades. Inasmuch as the Australian economy running easily, we can hope to the conversion scale of AUD will keep up in a moderately solid position. â€Å"Australias business development is extremely solid, about portion of the U. S. joblessness rate. Besides, speculation development is likewise extremely solid. So Australia will be acknowledged in 2013 financial plan surpluses. † said by Australia account clergymen Swan. Worldwide swelling prompts item costs, particularly in ware costs, for example, coal, iron metal, and so forth, and the effect of AUD for wares, so one of the principle cash thankfulness bigger AUD. The budgetary tempest to all nations have impact on the economy, however as a ware exporter, comparative with the AUD global money related significant monetary standards dollar terms, more protection, in addition to an Australia dollar have a place with high loan fee monetary forms, all the more effectively to purchase a fence. For the above examination we realize that the principle reason of raising AUD is the worldwide items costs are raising significantly and great work circumstance driven the expansion in GDP for the nearby explanation. With regards to the variables which originate from outside of Australian, the shortcoming of US economy and the free fiscal arrangement in US could be different reasons. As a matter of first importance, the US economy had a joblessness pace of 9. 1% in August, contrasted with Australian, 5. 0% in July. In light of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Australian GDP for second quarter 2010 was 3. 3% for the year finishing June 2010. Interestingly US GDP for the year finishing 2010 was 2. 4%. In addition, the anticipated recuperation in buyer spending didn't happen. The ascent in food and vitality costs outpaced the addition in ostensible wages, making genuine normal week after week income decrease in January, while the proceeded with fall in home costs diminished riches for most of family units. Thus, genuine individual customer consumptions increased at a yearly pace of pretty much 1 percent in January, down from the past quarter’s 4 percent expansion. That example of rising costs and declining genuine profit rehashed itself in February and March, with a sharp ascent in the purchaser value record making genuine normal week by week income decay at a yearly pace of in excess of 5 percent. There is no uncertainty that buyer's certainty level fell forcefully and purchaser spending remained practically level from month to month. Moreover, a free financial strategy happens when the cash flexibly is extended and is effectively open to residents to empower monetary development. As per the Global Futures amp; Forex, the Federal Reserve reported that it will keep rates low, and that it will proceed with plans for an advantage purchase from the Treasury. The Federal Reserve (Fed) has brought down the money rate to 0. 250% and has embraced quantitative facilitating to bring down longer-term loan costs, with a second round of facilitating arranged. Quantitative facilitating includes a national bank buying budgetary resources from banks and other private segment organizations with new electronically made cash, in this way expanding the cash gracefully. And afterward it debilitates the US dollar against different monetary forms. Besides, while US loan fees stay low for the present moment, financial specialists will search out higher-yielding chances, for example, Australian dollar named resources. This will in general reinforce the Australian dollar. The reasons that Australian dollar is solid as of late are appeared previously. Be that as it may, I don't get it's meaning for customers? To be straightforward, Australian dollar has all the more buying power. Purchasers can bear the cost of more merchandise that import to Australia. Likewise, it has been a lot less expensive to travel abroad. What's more, the interest for Australia dollar is very high, which is appeared by the high financing cost. Thus, buyer can get better yield, on the off chance that they put cash in the bank. Be that as it may, would we be able to state solid Australia dollar is 100% gainful to purchasers? The appropriate response is no. For the individuals, who purchase oversea merchandise, it is uplifting news. On the opposite side, it likewise effectsly affects exporters who produce and sell abroad. Team to high swapping scale with Australian dollar, the residential merchandise become progressively costly for outsiders. Thus, Australian items lost the opposition in the globe exchange. Lamentably, it isn't the main terrible news. As voyaging abroad gets less expensive, even expenses about as much as voyaging locally, who might decide to go in this nation as opposed to making the most of their vacation abroad? In this way, the travel industry in Australia will encounter a downturn soon. A similar circumstance would happen to Australia colleges that need to draw in progressively oversea understudies. To close, solid Australian dollar brings upside just as drawback impacts to customers. Be that as it may, I don't get it's meaning to financial specialists? Significant level of money related inflows into Australia causes the ‘price’ of the Australian dollar increases in value. It has the two points of interest and disservices for the residential and abroad financial specialists in the short run and since a long time ago run. In short run, a significant ramifications of the energy about Australian dollar is the expansion in the genuine buying intensity of the household financial specialists. At the end of the day, there in an improvement regarding exchange as imports become less expensive for the residential speculators. Nonetheless, there will be a huge decrease in trades in Australia as the generally cost increments. It will along these lines cause disequilibrium in the short run and higher fare cost coming about because of the gratefulness will coordinate influence the fare ventures in Australia and become less serious in the worldwide market. Subsequently, it will prompt an expansion in frictional joblessness in Australia. Over the long haul, the primary impact of valuation for Australian dollar is the basic change in the Australian economy. Because of the costly fares in Australia, Australian fare industry can't contend under high conversion scale. It brings about the reallocation of the work and capital assets. Both household and abroad financial specialists have better chances to acquire a superior come back from the venture as the proficiency of the creation rises and monetary development increments. The economy will arrive at the harmony point again over the long haul with the goal that outcomes in decline in joblessness rate and moderately higher speculation return. The energy about the conversion scale has both positive and negative effect on speculators. In present moment, the economy will be more regrettable off in light of the uncompetitive significant expense of the fares. The remote financial specialists lose enthusiasm for making interest in Australia. Anyway household financial specialists will be in an ideal situation as the moderately less expensive import cost will give the residential speculators better returns. In since a long time ago run, as the basic change in the economy has occurred, both local and outside financial specialists increase better return and the monetary development increments too. Taking everything into account, Australian economy is serious and stable after the 2008 worldwide monetary emergency, which stays a low jobless rate. The estimation of AUD expanded by the ascending in product cost in Australian local market .

Monday, August 24, 2020

Weddings of the Middle Ages Essay -- European History

Weddings of the Middle Ages As the ages have past weddings have changed, the most intriguing weddings occurred in the medieval times. Medieval times were brimming with puzzle and desire, ladies were not only spouses however prizes and a belonging, once in a while was it love. The reasons of which individuals were hitched was dictated by their group. A large portion of the marriage laws we realize today developed during this time. The festivals were lavish, loaded with shading and great amusement and dazzling galas, radical contrasted with earlier ages. The medieval times were really a defining moment as weddings developed.      The significant distinction between the weddings of the Middle Ages and now was the thought processes and thinking behind them. Medieval wedding services relied upon the social class of the two to be hitched. Individuals of the medieval times were gathered into two gatherings the respectable class and the laborers. The nobles thought about their name and there social height in this way orchestrating relationships for their kids was normally known. The youngsters would have a set companion by the age of ten or eleven. The fundamental explanation behind this training was to keep achievement and the obtaining of riches in families. The relationships were matters of business rather then love. This was not all that valid with the laborers; peasants’ relationships were increasingly earnest or would occur because of a pregnancy. Not at all like weddings today they relied upon who you were fairly then who you wished to be or wish to be hitched to.  â â â â      After your lady of the hour or grooms were picked for you numerous arrangements would happen. The service going to occur would be the greatest one you had seen except if you had been to different weddings. Numerous gatherings between the two families would happen as more courses of action were made. The following scarcely any weeks would be a period of fervor and marvel. Not just have you not seen your future life partner however you probably won't have even been allowed to know his her name, the purpose behind this is uncertain. Contingent upon family and different elements you may have been allowed to see your future mate six or five days preceding the wedding. During the medieval times the exclusively was known to be praised in strongholds and patios up to a minister favored the lady of the hour and lucky man. In ages preceding the Middle Ages weddings couldn't happen anyplace yet the places of worship. As time continued the Catholic Church gave more space with resp ect to where the... association then earlier very nearly a holding of two families. As we get into the significance behind specific practices and endowments we can see that they aren’t only for the future couple yet numerous procedures and importance are behind them. Weddings today are considerably more unique then relationships of the past. A significant number of the traditions from that point have advanced toward this period yet in addition numerous haven’t. we can see numerous distinctions and furthermore numerous likenesses. The greatest contrast is the control of relationships and the masterminded relationships that occurred. In today’s culture we are not gathered by social height as they were at that point, our relationships depend on adoration not class. I think this is something worth being thankful for and I am glad to be honored by God to have the option to have the opportunity of decision in something as significant and groundbreaking as a marriage. All in all we can see circumstances are different. The medieval times were fascinating in setting yet not as intriguing to live out. We can gain so much from the way of life of the medieval times. I am extremely intrigued on how things have changed and notice a portion of the likenesses. I am honored to live in such an amazing period and glad to have the chance to find out about such a fascinating one.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Terrorist Threats and Counterterrorism Response to a Terrorist Attack Essay

Psychological oppressor Threats and Counterterrorism Response to a Terrorist Attack - Essay Example The utilization of unmanned airborne predator and harvester drones is viewed as another methodology in counterterrorism has changed how the US battles psychological oppression. President Obama’s organization has had the option to tighten the automaton program instead of the past U.S. organization. He has figured out how to approve in excess of hundred automaton strikes overall generally around the outskirts of Afghanistan and Pakistan as per Bures and BureÃ¥ ¡ (2011). In spite of the debate, confronting this activity, as it were, the American automatons since 9/11 have been effective. The ebb and flow look into on counterterrorism manufactures its discussion on two methodologies: the war model and the criminal equity model. The war (military) model will in general structure the endeavors against fear based oppression as far as the military of a foe driven war. In such an occasion, the military of the state are fundamentally liable for creating counterterrorism plans. The criminal equity model backers for the standard of law and vote based standards in counterterrorism. It has been proposed that survey counterterrorism as far as hard and delicate force is significant. This backers for an immediate and aberrant strategy in counterterrorism. A portion of the methodologies applied after 9/1, for example, the automaton strike have gotten famous and reliable from that point forward. Be that as it may, a change is being considered on the strategy as it can prompt the loss of numerous honest lives just as inadvertent blow-back to property and infrustructure. The technique is likewise observed to abuse the power of certain states like Pakistan. For effective reaction to psychological oppression, the U.S. ought to consider to limit on its adversaries and augment on its partners. This component will be accomplished by restoring and enabling their conventional partnerships as expressed by Gebicke (1999). The U.S. government has likewise viewed as mellowing the intrigue of Muslim federalism, which will be accomplished by decreasing the degrees of moderate Muslim aloof natures. The US

Marketing Management Entrepreneurial Marketing

Question: Talk about the Marketing Management for Entrepreneurial Marketing. Answer: Presentation In this report, the Accor bunch are devoted to another Sofitel inn. The Sofitel lodging is situated in Darling Harbor area of Sydney CBD. The Accor bunch works in ninety-four nations, and it is a French worldwide lodging gathering. Headquarter is arranged in Paris, France. The gathering possesses 3,000 and 700 lodgings on five mainlands. The Accor bunch needs an advertising plan. The showcasing plan ought to incorporate a rundown of activities. Also, a showcasing plan without a key establishment will be little use to business and not effective. Here, the promoting plan incorporates just large scale ecological examination alongside SWOT investigation. Be that as it may, Sofitel has promoting plans which is valuable for the partners. The organization is progressively worried about the destinations of turning out to be overall reference in universal lavish inns among others. The association will transform into the central European extravagance dwelling brand. Plus, the inn has worked consistently to reexamine each segment of the brand, with an outstanding consideration on imaginative extravagance model alongside the contribution of beverages and food, headway and framework close by making stand-out spas. Also, the new Sofitel plans the make all inns a contemporary and rich ones and resorts on the universes most engaging goals. Full scale Environment Bug Analysis Political Factors The key issues in regards to the political variables are the peril of fear based oppression, political atmosphere, and universal relations (Strauss, 2010). These components can influence the Accor gathering. On the off chance that in the traveler places, there are fear monger assaults then the visitor may take off from that area prompting loss of business. In this manner, Accor bunch must gander at this issue cautiously to forestall loss of clients. Such assaults can likewise prompt wounds and passings of a few vacationers which will end up being a test for the association. Still now, Accor bunch have not confronted any fear based oppressor assaults since they have great connection with EEC nation (Dollard, Osborne, Manning, 2012). The association puts stock in giving and take arrangements, and they are doing their business thusly everywhere throughout the world. Mechanical Factors In light of Oriental rental assistance, the innovation can enormously affect lodging organizations. Accor bunch needs to improve the specialized assistance to clients since the degree of consumer loyalty is expanding step by step (Ramachandra, Chandrashekara, Shivakumar, 2010). The customer fulfillment increment since individuals are getting their items at whatever point they need. For instance, they can book inns by on the web. In this manner, Accor bunch must encourage clients with web based booking offices. The official site of this lodging more likely than not refreshed data about the inn and its administrations. Aside that, the electronic media card is getting increasingly demandable. Social Factors Right now, the association is conveying great administrations to clients. The organization is using seven dialects through online frameworks. Then again, maps and designs are likewise counting essentialness to the booking experience. In the association, the female specialists are expanding. Accor bunch is striving to prepare their representatives for the headway of the general public. Aside from these, the organization is likewise giving the establishment included an incentive just as human asset administrations. The specific association will suffer respecting proficient and social contrasts (Tresidder Hirst, 2012). Financial Factors Between the year 2006 and 2012, Accor bunch has become a progressively productive association. The financial elements are a tremendous worry to Accor bunch in light of the fact that the association is profoundly impacted by cost, benefits, costs and requests. Obviously, the most affecting variable of this association dependent on the economy is merger and procurement. Research says that this association has made an immense benefit at whatever point they converged with another association. The organization can achieve their destinations as a result of merger and securing procedure. SWOT Analysis Quality From the examination it has been discovered that one of Accor key favorable position is its high image memory. The association has requests for midscale, upscale alongside economy dwelling. It covers a more extensive market portion. Then again, inward assets to any association are its quality which gives a bit of leeway. For Accor, the most important force are presumably to be meager of notoriety, unrivaled client assistance, and corporate culture (Mayrhofer, 2012). The organization has an unmistakable fascination to cover various districts and classifications stable income possibilities. Additionally, it has Sofitel which is a distinction inn brand in France and different urban communities on the planet. Openings It has been talked about in the quality of Accor gathering, that Accor makes a gigantic benefit by following merger and securing method. Consequently, merger and procurement system is their essential chance. Likewise, the association has advertise pioneers who create in organizations with significant undertakings. Aside that, various thoughts in business is another open door for Accor gathering (Sethna, Jones, Harrigan, 2013). Promoting and internet booking of lodgings are their upper hand. The site must be fabricated inconceivably snappy so more clients are pulled in to it. New innovation encourages them to build their deals. Danger The tasks of Accor administrations and inns are spread in the whole world with the objective that they have to face to perils of changes in outside money on the grounds that around sixty-six percent of its pay starts from widespread activities. During the past, the income of Accor bunch was seriously impacted in view of troublesome variances in outside money. The association has some genuine opponents which are a danger to them (Solnet, 2012). For instance Marriot International, Hilton Group plc and Hyatt association. These rivals' endeavors to beat the horrible business segment and money related condition are another perils other than assess loads which will impact the edge of the organization. Shortcoming During the year 2010, the shortcoming of this specific business has its non-key business. The organization is losing their image since they were increasingly worried about non-vital business. As of late, the lodging bunch has expanded their cost twice than that of different contenders. It might be a hazard to the business, since when request is high, at that point the client will move to different lodgings due to direct cost. The advancement of innovation isn't their shortcoming (Christou, 2011). In this manner, Accor must improve upper hand as indicated by the innovation instead of expanding inn rates than others. End The whole report depends on the advertising plan of Accor gathering. At first, the report begins with a presentation followed by PEST and SWOT examination. This two examination is critical for the association since it investigations the present circumstance of the organization so that Accor can rapidly execute their advertising design and accomplish upper hand. In SWOT investigation, the quality, shortcoming, danger and chance of Accor bunch is examined. From the above report, it is presumed that Accor gathering can make high benefits at whatever point they use merger and securing procedure. It additionally assists with building solid associations with different lodgings. References Christou, E. (2011). Investigating Online Sales Promotions in the Hospitality Industry.Journal Of Hospitality Marketing Management,20(7), 814-829. Dollard, M., Osborne, K., Manning, I. (2012). Association condition adjustment: A full scale level move in demonstrating work pain and morale.Journal Of Organizational Behavior,34(5), 629-647. Mayrhofer, U. (2012).Marketing universal. Paris: E⠁conomica. Ramachandra, K., Chandrashekara, B., Shivakumar, S. (2010).Marketing administration. Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Pub. House. Sethna, Z., Jones, R., Harrigan, P. (2013).Entrepreneurial Marketing. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Pub. Solnet, D. (2012). Administration Management in Hospitality Education: Review and Reflection.Journal Of Hospitality Marketing Management,21(2), 184-214. Strauss, G. (2010). Bug hazard examination of Metcalfa pruinosa in Austria.J Pest Sci,83(4), 381-390. Tresidder, R. Hirst, C. (2012).Marketing in food, accommodation, the travel industry and occasions. Oxford: Goodfellow Pub. Ltd.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Labor Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Work Law - Essay Example These are the moral issues that a purchaser from a designing organization needs to confront when purchasing electrical segments from these sorts of organizations. As it were, he will be in a roundabout way advancing youngster work. He will likewise should know about the way that in such processing plants kids become weakened, genuinely and truly, from not exactly suitable working conditions. With ruthless wounds, they can't go to class and give the opportunity to have a superior life for themselves. Those that endure face mental and physical scars that will stay with them for the remainder of their lives. This is an especially delicate case. There has been a ton of cash contributed and there is by all accounts a ton in question. Likewise, it is the last open door for the group to acquire distinction, cash and greatness. The situation for the individual who thinks about the failings of the vehicle is justifiable, particularly as he happens to be the upgraded one in the venture. It is hard to voice conclusions in the event that you have been the latest contestant into a task. There is constantly an implicit chain of command in circumstances of this nature, and the estimation of the most reduced in the hierarchy is never paid attention to as well. In any case, the individual's greater obligation is t... It is apparent that the vehicle may run wild over the span of the race, and the outcomes could be anything. While the remainder of the group may contend that the hazard is insignificant - and you can't blame them from feeling that way - the driver could be at risk for his life. The best activity for this situation is to dissuade his partners. Stopping is the simpler arrangement yet that doesn't help the clueless driver in any case.If his partners would prefer not to haul the vehicle out of the race considerably after much cajoling then the best activity is to educate the coordinators regarding the race to make a move. The individual may lose companions all the while however he could well be sparing a real existence. Exercise 3 This is dubious for Paul. He is left to pick between his work and his marriage. Equitably, the decision doesn't appear to be that troublesome. Be that as it may, for the individual confronting the bind it could be an intense issue.Paul needs to take a gander at his true serenity when settling on this choice. Expertly, he is under commitment to take the assignment. On the off chance that others in the group are happy to work extended periods of time, Paul might want to do likewise, basically out of expert pride, particularly in the event that he happens to head the venture. Additionally, the motivator of cash is an incredible draw. Paul is considering this to be a lifelong making opportunity. In any case, it is inconceivable for him to stand firm on proficient morals when his marriage is at threat. He has three youngsters and his significant other to take into account. In a circumstance like this the best activity is open up to the organization's chain of importance and clarify the issues. He might not need to tell all subtleties; giving a trace of what is in question can be splendidly

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Controversial Issues For Essay Topics

Controversial Issues For Essay TopicsControversial issues, such as abortion and gay marriage, are the subject of essay topics that you should be proud to have written about. Essay topics that require you to write about controversial issues are very demanding, but can pay off with big rewards. If you've never tried to include a controversial issue in your essay before, it's not difficult to find subjects for your essay that will challenge you.The main advantage of writing an essay about a controversial issue is that it forces you to think critically about your ideas. It may be uncomfortable at first, but over time, you'll become more comfortable with thinking about your topic in a different way. Your audience will appreciate your willingness to challenge yourself. And you'll learn something from the experience as well.When you're asking questions about the controversial issue, you should write an essay about the question you ask. You should avoid using the word 'myth' in your essay. I t's appropriate to use 'myth' when discussing something that people believe, such as the alleged benefits of vaccines. But, if you're asking a question like whether abortion is right or wrong, you need to use the word 'right' to make it clear that you're talking about the concept.When people consider the concept of right and wrong, they often think of something dramatic, such as a significant event that led to a change in the law. For example, if someone says that abortion is wrong because it leads to birth defects, it would be ridiculous to argue that birth defects are only caused by abortions. Instead, you should show how abortion causes some people to feel bad. It's not true that abortion is just a method of birth control that's not right or wrong.Talk about your views about the issue in the essay. Remember that the purpose of your essay is to persuade the reader to your point of view. You want to make sure that your essay makes the right argument. Explain your evidence. And you want to make sure that your essay persuades your readers rather than simply agreeing with them.To get started with a controversial issue, consider something as simple as the size of your paycheck. No one knows this more than the majority of women. They are under a great deal of pressure to earn large salaries. In many cases, they choose the salary based on what others might expect.These women are normally living in a society that encourages unethical behavior. This means that a woman should be careful when she makes a decision based on the economic pressures. As with abortion, the fact that abortion is illegal doesn't mean that everyone approves of it. Most Americans believe that people should be allowed to make decisions about their own bodies.So, when it comes to choosing between an abortion and making sure that you are able to provide for your own financial situation, it is important to look at both sides of the argument. Most people who oppose abortion support policies that rest rict it. But most people who support abortion don't want to restrict other people's freedom.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Fiction in Modern Arabic Article - 1100 Words

Fiction in Modern Arabic (Article Sample) Content: Modern Arabic FictionNameCourseDateNovels and PoetryArabic novels begun early in 1929 and one of the most successful printing of Zaynab were done by Muhammad Husayn Haykal. It is during the Nahda translational period that neo-classical groups were evolving and resulted to rediscovery of traditional genres such as Maqama with novels like "One Thousand Nightsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . The neo-classical group translated Western traditional genres of novel writing into Arabic Language. Between 19th and early 20th century reproduction of original narrative writings on different genres to Novels writting was created by authors from the Middle East such as Zaynab, Francis Marrash, Jurji Zaydan And Ahad Fari Shidyaq. Hence, Novel translation into modern Arabic work was a gradual translation that took place for many years. In todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Arabic World, novelists are centered into family like dramas in their describe social- economic situations in the Arabic world in their writing. Modern Arabic novelllists include Naguib Mahfuz a Nobel Peace Laureate in 1988.LiteratureModern Arabic fiction begun during the Islamic Golden age that emerged many poets and narrative writers and it was the basis of revealing of modern holly Quran. It is in this period that Arabic poetry writers integrated the changing political and economic satiations in their outcries into their writing. According to some artists they criticized the government work an in doing so they were imprisoned while those supporting governments were recognized by being given better working positions in the society. Taha Hussein and Nawal El-Saadawi are some of those recognized for nationalism work in Egypt and women rigts campaigns respectively.PlaysMaron Naccache is famous for the musical plays that translated to Modern Arabic Theaters and a world known theatre; tthe Lebanon theatre. Other plays known into modern Arabic plays can be traced from the Quran from Tawfiq al-Hakim who translated epilogue of Se ven Sleepers, while Yusuf al-Ani played "Thousands of One Night" in Iraq. Modern day poetics are becoming mo... Fiction in Modern Arabic Article - 1100 Words Fiction in Modern Arabic (Article Sample) Content: Modern Arabic FictionNameCourseDateNovels and PoetryArabic novels begun early in 1929 and one of the most successful printing of Zaynab were done by Muhammad Husayn Haykal. It is during the Nahda translational period that neo-classical groups were evolving and resulted to rediscovery of traditional genres such as Maqama with novels like "One Thousand Nightsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . The neo-classical group translated Western traditional genres of novel writing into Arabic Language. Between 19th and early 20th century reproduction of original narrative writings on different genres to Novels writting was created by authors from the Middle East such as Zaynab, Francis Marrash, Jurji Zaydan And Ahad Fari Shidyaq. Hence, Novel translation into modern Arabic work was a gradual translation that took place for many years. In todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Arabic World, novelists are centered into family like dramas in their describe social- economic situations in the Arabic world in their writing. Modern Arabic novelllists include Naguib Mahfuz a Nobel Peace Laureate in 1988.LiteratureModern Arabic fiction begun during the Islamic Golden age that emerged many poets and narrative writers and it was the basis of revealing of modern holly Quran. It is in this period that Arabic poetry writers integrated the changing political and economic satiations in their outcries into their writing. According to some artists they criticized the government work an in doing so they were imprisoned while those supporting governments were recognized by being given better working positions in the society. Taha Hussein and Nawal El-Saadawi are some of those recognized for nationalism work in Egypt and women rigts campaigns respectively.PlaysMaron Naccache is famous for the musical plays that translated to Modern Arabic Theaters and a world known theatre; tthe Lebanon theatre. Other plays known into modern Arabic plays can be traced from the Quran from Tawfiq al-Hakim who translated epilogue of Se ven Sleepers, while Yusuf al-Ani played "Thousands of One Night" in Iraq. Modern day poetics are becoming mo...

Friday, May 22, 2020

Quick Guide to Command-Line Arguments in Ruby

Many Ruby scripts have no text or graphical interfaces. They simply run, do their job and then exit. To communicate with these scripts in order to change their behavior, command-line arguments must be used. The command line is the standard mode of operation for UNIX commands, and since Ruby is used widely on UNIX and UNIX-like systems (such as Linux and macOS), its pretty standard to encounter this type of program. How to Provide Command-Line Arguments Ruby script arguments are passed to the Ruby program by the shell, the program that  accepts commands (such as bash) on the terminal. On the command-line, any text following the name of the script is considered a command-line argument. Separated by spaces, each word or string will be passed as a separate argument to the Ruby program.   The following example shows the proper syntax to use to launch the test.rb Ruby script from a command-line with the arguments test1 and test2. $ ./test.rb test1 test2 You may encounter a situation in which you need to pass an argument to a Ruby program but theres a space in the command. It seems impossible at first since the shell separates arguments on spaces, but there is a provision for this. Any arguments in double quotes will not be separated. The double quotes are removed by the shell before passing it to the Ruby program. The following example passes a single argument to the test.rb Ruby script, test1 test2: $ ./test.rb test1 test2 How to Use Command-Line Arguments In your Ruby programs, you can access any command-line arguments passed by the shell with the ARGV special variable. ARGV is an Array variable which holds, as strings, each argument passed by the shell. This program iterates over the ARGV array and prints out its contents: #!/usr/bin/env ruby ARGV.each do|a|   Ã‚  puts Argument: #{a} end The following is an excerpt of a bash session launching this script (saved as the file test.rb) with a variety of arguments: $ ./test.rb test1 test2 three four Argument: test1 Argument: test2 Argument: three four

Monday, May 18, 2020

Elements of a Tragic Hero Found in Oedipus and Creon in...

Oedipus and Creon Sophocles demonstrates Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero in his brilliant trilogy of plays, The Oedipus Cycle. Aristotle describes a tragic hero as a character of high status who experiences a fall from great social status. This character also exhibits a tragic flaw and takes responsibility for their actions and accepts the punishment. Oedipus, son of Laios, and the King of Thebes, tried to escape his fate of killing his father and marrying his mother, displays all of Aristotle’s attributes for a tragic hero. Creon, Oedipus’ brother in law and uncle, also displays the personality traits present in a tragic hero. Although both characters fit Aristotle’s definition for a tragic hero, Oedipus better displays the characteristics of a tragic hero than Creon. In order to follow Aristotle’s designation of a tragic hero, the character must start at a high position in society and fall due to a tragic flaw that the character exhibits. Oedipus follows this definition very well. Oedipus was the king of Thebes, a very powerful city. Oedipus’ tragic flaw, pride, is shown throughout the story in his stubbornness and interactions with other characters. Oedipus’ pride causes him to get angry at Teiresias when he suggests that Oedipus may be in fact the killer of Laios: â€Å"Am I to bear this from him? –Damnation / Take you! Out of this place! Out of my sight!† (23). Oedipus thinks that he is better than Teiresias and thus does not listen to his advice. Oedipus

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Crucible By Arthur Miller - 1223 Words

Thomas J. Watson once said, â€Å"If you stand up and be counted, from time to time you may get yourself knocked down. But remember this: A man flattened by an opponent can get up again. A man flattened by conformity stays down for good.† Due to the fear fueling in the atmosphere during the Salem witch trials, a numerous amount of citizens allow themselves to be trampled on by conformity. Consequently, nineteen innocent citizens were hanged, and one brutally crushed to death. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible stages the theme of social conformity through the characters Reverend Parris, Abigail Williams, and John Proctor as they venture on a journey throughout the Salem Witch Trials displaying that joining society’s assembly of deceivers may preserve their lives, though not their integrity. Paranoid, criticized, and fearful, Salem’s minister Reverend Parris conforms into society’s disingenuous demeanors when the news of his niece and daughter’s bewitchment jeopardizes his reputation. When Parris first discovers that witchcraft is present in his household, he focuses on how the issue affects him and his reputation. In the beginning of the play, Parris is found kneeling adjacent to his daughter Betty’s sick bed. Eventually, he reveals that his daughter’s illness is trivial compared to the real issue at hand: his reputation. When Parris confronts Abigail, he states, â€Å"There is a faction that is sworn to drive me from my pulpit† (Crucible 1.35). He is more troubled by the thought of losingShow MoreRelatedThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1269 Words   |  6 PagesAt first glance, the playwright Arthur Miller in The Crucible highlights the historical significance of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, but in fact it is an allegorical exp ression of his perception of McCarthyism. If the reader has some background information on Arthur Miller’s victimization as a communist, it is evident that the play is a didactic vessel illustrating the flaws of the court system in the 1950’s. The communist allegations were launched at government employees, entertainers and writersRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1681 Words   |  7 Pagesof their way to the last dying breath to make sure they leave with a good or bad reputation. In one of the recent literature study in class â€Å"The Crucible† by Arthur Miller, Miller uses characterization to illustrate reputation throughout the play. â€Å"The Crucible† takes place in Salem, Massachusetts. It is based upon the Salem witch trails. In â€Å"The Crucible†, we journey through the life of three characters who reputations plays a major role in the play. The three characters are John Proctor, AbigailRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller998 Word s   |  4 Pagesmotivated by jealousy and spite. The Crucible is a four-act dramatic play production that was first performed on January 22, 1953. Arthur Miller used dialogue within the characters to cover the multiple themes; conflicts and resolutions, plus the few directions for the different actions of the play. The Salem Witch Trials were intended to be performed as the play however, when read, it can be more carefully examined and broken down to analyze the techniques. Miller, the playwright, uses literaryRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1333 Words   |  6 PagesAs the various characters in The Crucible by Arthur Miller interact, the dominant theme of the consequences of women’s nonconformity begins to slide out from behind the curtains of the play. Such a theme reveals the gripping fear that inundated the Puritans during the seventeenth century. This fear led to the famous witch-hunts that primarily terrorized women who deviated from the Puritan vision of absolute obedience and orthodoxy. Arthur Miller presents his interpretation of the suffering by subtlyRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1145 Words   |  5 PagesUnbalance Through The Centuries In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, the author reflects the persecution of communists in America in the 1950’s through a recount of the Salem witch trials. It is often presumed that Miller based his drama directly off of events that were particularly prevalent in the years surrounding the publication of The Crucible- which was released in the year 1953, towards the conclusion of the Korean War. Although there was not a literal witch hunt occurring during this timeRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1063 Words   |  5 PagesIn the English dictionary, there are three definitions of the word crucible. One is a metal container in which metals are mixed and melted. Another is a severe test. But the third definition, and the one that I think fits the best for this book, is a place or situation in which different elements interact to create something new. In my mind, this fits because all of the characters had their little grudges and dirty secrets. But when all th ose seemingly little things interact, they formed somethingRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1285 Words   |  6 Pages Rationale, Morality, Stereotypes, Pressure, Self-Censorship, Unanimity, and Mindguards. Groupthink has also taken place in our history a a country. The play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller is about a the real-life Salem Witch Trials that happened in 1692 - 1693, in Salem, Massachusetts. Some symptoms of Groupthink found in the Crucible are Rationale, Pressure, and Self-Censorship. The Groupthink symptom, Rationale, is described as when victims of Groupthink ignore warnings: they also collectivelyRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller841 Words   |  4 PagesThe Crucible is a chaotic play, throughout this American classic Arthur Miller takes the reader through multiple events of terror and insanity. While creating a great on-stage play, Arthur Miller portrays his life through the events, the characters, and plot of The Crucible. Using vivid imagery and comprehensible symbolism, Miller manipulates the real personalities of the characters and events in 1600 Salem, Massachusetts to create a symbolic autobiography. Throughout this play, the reader experiencesRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller811 Words   |  4 Pages While The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, is only a four act play, it still resembles the format of a five act play. The five-act structure evolved from a three-act structure, which was made famous by Roman Aelius Donatus. Donatus came up with thre e types of plays: Protasis, Epitasis, and Catastrophe. The five-act structure helped to expand the three act structure, mainly made famous by Shakespeare through his many tragedies. Even though The Crucible contains only four acts, it still has the commonRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1052 Words   |  5 PagesBuddy Al-Aydi Ms.Healy English 9 CP 14th October 2014 The Crucible Essay The Crucible was a novel written by Arthur Miller in the 1950’s. It was written in a format of the play, portraying an allegory of the Salem Witch-Hunts led by Senator Joseph McCarthy. The book is known to have a inexplicable plot. This plot is advanced by multiple characters in the book in order to ensure that the reader maintains interest with the material that is being read. The farmer, John Proctor, would be the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organisational Culture Essay - 1359 Words

The Intel Corporation produces microprocessors that are used in computers. It has a market share of over 75% and has been praised for its highly innovative culture. Do you think that an innovative culture can be relied on to guarantee the future success of a business? Justify your answer with reference to Intel and/or other organisations you know. (40 marks) An organisation’s culture refers to ‘the way we do things around here’ and is determined by the values, attitudes and beliefs of the people who work within it. As such, culture will undoubtedly influence the success of a business. In particular, it can be argued that an innovative culture can lead to business success because it enables companies to share ideas more freely and†¦show more content†¦BMW use a similar culture where everyone is expected to help find solutions. They have a network of committed associates with few hierarchical barriers, allowing every employee to voice their opinion. This culture has allowed BMW to promote new products and get the product just right through thousands of brainstorming sessions. These examples show how innovation can lead to success in technological industries. Innovative culture can be relied on to guarantee the future success of a business, as the external environment is constantly changing. This can be linked to Charles Handy’s theory of ‘discontinuous change’ which means that in the future change is constant, and therefore an innovative culture would most likely guarantee a business success. Being highly innovative would mean that managers would have to be flexible and react to the constantly changing external environment, therefore adopting an innovative culture would mean businesses would have to come up with ideas and strategies for the future in order for the business to remain competitive and successful. Innovative culture should equip firms with the ability to cope better with change. For example Intel’s strategy of diversification where they use tactics such as job swapping and controlled employee role changes to increaseShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Culture And Organisational Culture1063 Words   |  5 PagesOrganisational Culture Organisational Culture is defined as what the employees perceive and how this perception creates a pattern of beliefs, values and, expectations. Organisational culture differs from organizational climate. Climate refers to more temporary attitudes, feelings and perceptions of individuals (Schneider, 1990). Culture on the other hand is an enduring, slow to change, core characteristic of organisations which is an implicit often indiscernible aspects of organisations, climateRead MoreOrganisational Culture1067 Words   |  5 PagesOrganisation Culture as there are many ways in which you can define the subject my interpretation of it is that it is structure of shared meaning which is held by members that differentiate the organisation from other organisations. Culture has its origin in the organisational interaction. The model put forward by Schein (1985) Schein divides organisational culture into three levels: Outer layer: These outer layers are at the surface, those aspects (such as dress) which can be easily recognisedRead MoreOrganizational Culture And Organisational Culture2209 Words   |  9 PagesLiterature on organisation culture has been involved rapidly and dynamically despite the relatively new to the concept (Schein, 2004). A considerable number of culture changes and management models have been developed by different scholars. The idea of management culture were hardly believed by many scholars. There are competing perspectives on the nature of organisational culture (Martin, Frost, and O Neill, 2006). The research method of organisational culture is fragmented and lacks ownershipRead MoreOrganisational Culture8269 Words   |  34 PagesThe topic canvasses the effects of organizational culture on the MA. This annotated bibliography is composed of research based, case study and literature reviewed articles, that all of them are recently published papers. Although in the aspect of mergers and acquisitions, organisational culture has various definition and encirclement (Riad, 2007), from recently introduced emotional intelligence (Harrison-Walker, 2008) to theoretical definitions (Schraeder Self, 2003), and also there are some debatesRead MoreOrganisational Culture1310 Words   |  6 PagesOrganizational Culture? Organizational  culture refers to a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that show employees what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior.[1] These values have a strong influence on employee behavior as well as organizational performance. In fact, the term organizational culture was made popular in the 1980s when Peters and Waterman’s best-selling book In Search of Excellence made the argument that company success could be attributed to an organizational culture thatRead MoreOrganisational Culture And Organizational Culture2261 Words   |  10 PagesThroughout this essay organisational culture will be examined, including the two approaches mainstream and critical. What managers can do to shape culture and also an example of when culture has in fact been changed. Organisational culture can be acknowledged as the organisations personality; which is also referred to as corporate culture. Organisational culture is defined as the process of how things are dealt with within an organisation on a daily basis, affecting the employees and how they workRead MoreUnderstanding Organisational Culture752 Words   |  3 PagesOrganisational culture became popular in the 1980’s after the publication of Peter and Waterman’s best-selling book â€Å"In search of excellence†. It was made evident that company success had a strong correlation with organisational culture, thus competitive advantage for business. The concept of organisational culture is vastly growing in management and a subject of various research. According to the â€Å"Business dictionary† Organisational culture is defined as â€Å"The values and behaviours that contributeRead MoreOrganisational Culture And Organizational Culture1730 Words   |  7 PagesOrganisatio nal culture refers to ‘the shared beliefs and values guiding the thinking and behavioural styles of members’ (Cooke and Rousseau, 1988, in Bratton 2010: 334), indicating that employees who accept the common values of an organisation and put great effort on commitments are likely to build up a strong culture to an organisation. Edgar Schein (2004) proposed three levels of organisational culture. As employees go through changes, they gain experiences from the past, adapt to a new environmentRead MoreThe Influence of Organisational Structure on Organisational Culture2080 Words   |  9 Pagestheir parts such as staff, profit, products, strategy, technology, environment, structure and culture. These parts or factors can directly contribute to the strengths or weaknesses of an organisation and they are all interrelated. This essay will examine organisational structure and organisational culture and the influence mechanistic and organic structures have on organisational culture. Organisational structure, as defined by Hodge, Anthony Gales (1996), is â€Å"the sum total of the way in whichRead MoreOrganisational Behaviour - Organisational Structure and Culture1146 Words   |  5 PagesOrganizational   Structure   and   Culture       Introduction    In order to understand and evaluate different business structures one must be aware of the exact meaning and standards, which make that structure. Different business function in different ways. The World today is full of innovative and new structures, company cultures and ways in which companies base their work. Globalization has emphasized the meaning of company culture in ways that have led to completely new ideas, while

Thanks for 24 Years of Service Free Essays

1. How valid do you think the comments are that Russ is hearing? Answer – Students’ answers will vary with their age and experience. The issue is the validity of the comments. We will write a custom essay sample on Thanks for 24 Years of Service or any similar topic only for you Order Now The issue is dealing with the perceptions. Basically, Russ needs to translate his experience into transferable job skills and sell himself as an adaptive person. Most of what he’s hearing is probably stereotypical, but he can’t re educate the job market; he has to reinvent himself. 2. If you were a small business executive in need of someone with extensive financial experience, would you consider Russ? Explain your position. Answer – Again students’ answers will vary. Pro—great extensive experience, new ideas from a different industry, and a high performance track record. Con—the need to adjust to a new company culture, possibility of leaving due to pay issues, not knowing the specific business. Discuss with students how they could address the cons either as a business owner or as Russ. Business owner—assign a mentor to help cultural adjustment, offer pay incentives tied to company growth and profitability that could help make up for the pay cut. Russ—shift his own attitude and realize the world has changed, work for a temp agency to get experience in smaller companies, study the company’s industry and bring a series of new ideas with him to the interview that related specifically to a small company in that industry. 3. What suggestions might you make to Russ to help him find suitable employment? Answer – See comments under #2. Russ’ biggest challenge is changing his own mindset and then demonstrating that to potential employers. Focus on transferable, skills not specific job experience How to cite Thanks for 24 Years of Service, Papers Thanks for 24 Years of Service Free Essays Thanks for 24 Years of Service. Now Here’s the Door! Russ McDonald graduated from the University of Michigan with his MBA in 1971. He chose General Motors for several reasons. We will write a custom essay sample on Thanks for 24 Years of Service or any similar topic only for you Order Now Russ began his career at GM as a cost analyst at the company’s Fisher Body division in Detroit. From there he proceeded through a long sequence of increased job responsibilities. In 20 years he rose to assistant vice president of finance in the corporate treasury department. His salary was $134,000 a year, and, in a good year, he could expect a bonus of anywhere from $10,000 to $25,000. GM’s slow response to change resulted in a serious erosion in the company’s market position, a drop from 1:2 new cars sold in the United States being a GM product to 1:4. GM closed inefficient plants, reorganized divisions, introduced new production technologies, and made huge cuts in its staff. Russ McDonald’s job was eliminated less than a year short of his 25th anniversary with GM. He was offered early retirement. He took the company’s offer rather than be pushed out later with a less attractive severance package. He was 49 years old with 24 years of experience; he could find another job. Related essay: External Corporate Communications Out of work for nearly 30 months, he responded to dozens of employment ads, sent out more than 200 resumes, talked with several executive recruiting firms, and spent more than $7,000 on employment counseling. No luck. His experience wasn’t relevant to today’s workplace; small companies wanted flexible people; corporate types like Russ were seen as â€Å"mentally rigid. † Even if there was a job he would have to take at least a 50 percent cut in pay, and employers figured Russ would be demotivated and likely to â€Å"jump ship† at the first opportunity. How to cite Thanks for 24 Years of Service, Essay examples

Carpal tunnel syndrome Essay Example For Students

Carpal tunnel syndrome Essay What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful nerve problem that disrupts the use of your hand or hands. At first, you may have numbness, tingling, or burning in your hands. Shooting pain in your wrist or forearm may come after, and your grip may become weak. CauseThe cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is when the tissue or bone puts pressure on the nerve of the hand that runs from your neck through your wrist to your fingers. Other causes may include: a)Injuries, such as a blow to the wrist. This may break one or more of the carpal bone and damage the median nerve. b)Arthritis related diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. These diseases cause pain and swelling in the joints of the hand. They cause swelling of tissues in the hand, resulting in pressure on the median nerve. c)Work activities and hobbies, such as typing, needle working, knitting, cashier, and any hand tools or instruments that puts pressure on the base of the palm. SymptomsSymptoms that may be involved with carpal tunnel syndrome are as follows:pain, tingling, and numbness in the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers tingling in the entire hand pain that shoots from the hand up the arm as far as the shoulder a swollen feeling in your fingers-even though they may not be visibly swollenYou may notice that:your symptoms are worse at nightyour hands feel weak in the morningyou drop objects more than usual you have trouble grasping or pinching objectsyou may have trouble using your hands for certain tasks, such as buttoning a shirt, writing with a pen, or opening a jar lidWho gets it?Carpal tunnel syndrome can occur at any age. Carpal tunnel syndrome from non-work causes usually affects people in their fifties, while from work causes is highest between the ages of twenty and forty. The condition is more common in women than in men. Treatment for Carpal tunnel syndromeAfter the doctor is positive that you have carpal tunnel syndrome, he or she might suggest that you wear a splint or receive an injection of anti-inflammatory medicines such as cortisone. You might try this for a month or so, but if the injection or the splint doesnt work then you might need surgery.The doctor might even give you a regime of exercises to do three or four times a day. But dont try the exercise if there is pain. You also could go to a chiropractor for exercise to help strengthen your wrist. If these treatments do not improve the condition then the doctor will recommend surgery as the last resort. BIBLIOGRAPHY1.Carpal Tunnel html2.Carpal Tunnel and joint sources/czzzzzzz 1- 2.html

Monday, April 27, 2020

Throughout a childs developmental years most surrounding adults act as principal models for standard speech and grammar skills Essay Example For Students

Throughout a childs developmental years most surrounding adults act as principal models for standard speech and grammar skills Essay Views: 436 Comments: 0 Throughout a childs developmental years most surrounding adults such as parents, teachers and caretakers act as principal models for standard speech and grammar skills. Children learn to interact with others through constant attempts to emulate the various styles and melodies of communication that are demonstrated all around them. At some point during this long process of edification, kids become young adults with a need to cultivate a sense of individualism. Dialogue takes on a whole new style, and peers have more influence than ever on vocabulary development. This paper will explore the development and usage of slang, paying close attention to the key role it plays in the transition from dependence to independence, for it is during this period of growth that language will become an important tool in self-discovery. According to the Web Site The Learning Network, slang is a vernacular vocabulary not generally acceptable in formal usage. It often conveys a cutting, sometimes offensive, no-nonsense attitude and lends itself to poking fun at pretentiousness. We will write a custom essay on Throughout a childs developmental years most surrounding adults act as principal models for standard speech and grammar skills specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Just about every culture and sub-culture set has its own version of a local vernacular, most of it derived from commonly used words, and sometimes developing into standard speech. According to Judi Sanders, creator of the College Slang Page, the noun form of slang refers to nonstandard terms or the nonstandard usage of standard terms. It is a kind of informal language that generally follows the grammatical patterns of the language from which it stems, but reflects an alternate lexicon with undertones of familiarity. Slang develops in all parts of speech, including verbs, adjectives and complete reference phrases, which give the speaker a broader range of vocabulary to share thoughts, ideas and experiences. It intertwines with standard speech giving it local and personal flavor. The process of slanging involves the creation and use of jargon, and may entail both nonverbal and verbal cues. For example, the inflection and tone with which a word or phrase is spoken can transport it from Standard English into the realm of slang. As in any language, slang reflects the experiences, beliefs and values of its speakers Sanders. It rallies people around common attitudes and creates a sense of community for all those drawn in. It is not a dialect all its own though; slang is an enhancement of language in the native tongue. It adds color, style, and texture, and turns up the volume to ten on the dial. When the feeling or thought is too extreme for simple words, slang offers a way to add a verbal exclamation point that catches the listeners attention. Some might argue that the proper use of speech is a better marker for maturity, as opposed to using a more informal and trendy vernacular. If knowledge and wisdom are signals of inner growth, how can using such words as wassup and da bomb indicate the crossing into adulthood? Rather, wouldnt this form of speech reveal a persons immaturity and lack of development? In order to better address these questions, we must look at the context in which transitional slang is generally used. If it is spoken in formal situations such as interviews or meetings with authority figures, it can be a warning sign of a young mind that has not yet developed an ability to judge situations and people. If it is used in less formal situations such as at school or in community settings, then it is appropriate and might be seen as a sign of forward thinking. Throughout a persons childhood there is constant encouragement to model the speech and behaviors of the adults in charge. This is a healthy practice because children will learn volumes of skills from watching and rehearsing over a long period of time. As a child grows into a teenager, though, there is a strong need to stretch and discover who he or she is growing into. In our culture high values are placed on individuality and self-determination; we pride ourselves in being crowned a nation of rugged individualists. Slang helps us to establish individuality and personality when used in suitable situations. When spoken in school it helps to build confidence, and when used at home it spurs the process of separation that is important when becoming an adult. No longer does the youth have to speak in an uncomfortable borrowed language, for he now owns the vernacular tied to the thoughts and gestures of his newly developed language. .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6 , .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6 .postImageUrl , .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6 , .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6:hover , .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6:visited , .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6:active { border:0!important; } .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6:active , .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6 .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud4b52e271e79e29d119af16feff4bba6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hate Crimes EssayDoes this mean that ten years from now there will be a generation of young urban professionals slinging around the phrase You da bomb, dawg! while sitting in board meetings? Most certainly not. It is highly doubtful that the word wassup will even be found in anyones word bank in the year 2010. What happens, slowly and gradually, is that a transformation takes place in maturity. Once individuality is established in the life of a young man or woman, displays of rebellion are more often found in subtle forms, such as union protests and store boycotting, and phrases like those damn kids will somehow creep into everyday discourse. Before any of this happens though, the adult within must be discovered. In the particular population of slang language users that this paper focuses on, the speakers are often young adults aged 14 to 25, and typically in a period of life where the struggle to pull away from the adults on whom they once depended is most evident. On campuses where young minds are seeking to find the quickest path to independence, it is an essential tool in carving out an identity. If self-expression is the suit we wear while crossing the bridge to adulthood, then slang is the belt, shoes and accessories. Most transitional slang-words are clear derivatives of normal speech and do not exclude the average listener, but be warned: there are some expressions that are way out in left field and might leave anyone over the age of 25 thoroughly confused Burke 98. Is this the purpose for alternative language? Did deviant 19-year-old rebels wanting to overthrow the adult establishment develop this as a means of encrypted communication? To quote a 20 year-old female student at Sacramento State University, NOT! That simply means no in proper English. Transitional slang is an essential factor in the aim for growth and independence, and is not necessarily a sign of poor upbringing. In reality it can serve as an indicator of a strong mind with increasing confidence. Language is constantly evolving, stretching and growing to reflect the culture in which it resides; it is fitting that speakers should be stretching and growing as well. In order to gain a better understanding of this unique version of slang, we must first hear it in action. A stroll through any high school or college courtyard during lunchtime will put you at ground zero of the transitional slang phenomenon. You can expect to be hit with words like wassup and da bomb, or quite possibly the locals might invite you back to their hizou. But there is no need to be frightened. You are not in enemy territory, and the language is usually quite easy to pick up on. Slang terms and words are typically developed in one of three ways. The first way is the transformation of standard vocabulary. This can happen through blending combining two words into one, by way of folk etymology changing a word to make it more understandable or familiar, or occasionally from antonomasia to take a name from a persons name or a place. Sometimes this language alteration comes about as a form of laziness, such as dropping several sounds or syllables called clipping or derivation. For example, on most campuses the phrase or question all right has transformed and blended into the single word aiight. Another term that has undergone this type of transition is www, altered to the single-word dubdub for easier pronunciation. Just saying double-u- double-u-double-u is an awkward dance of the speaking organs, therefore alteration is necessary to develop a user-friendly version of the term. Of course, many phrases are developed this same way, by shortening an entire sentence into a simple two or three word phrase, meant as a catch-all for similar circumstances. Its all good is a common way of telling someone that everything is OK, and theres no need to worry. The second trigger in the development of slanguage is the incorporation of hidden meaning. This can be a form of a private joke between the users of the language. For instance, calling a girl a Shasta is an unflattering term, yet anyone unfamiliar with it would have no clue what the meaning is. .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b , .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b .postImageUrl , .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b , .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b:hover , .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b:visited , .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b:active { border:0!important; } .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b:active , .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubf338515e22a3f2812556d7579da4a6b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Product Analysis Clinique 3 Step System EssayIn reality, it refers to the cheap quality of the soda brand Shasta, suggesting that a girl is not the highest quality or first pick for a one-night-stand, but due to the lack of more suitable choices, she will have to do. This term is considerably funny, until it refers to you. The third way that slang develops is through transformation of a single word or phrase into a different meaning, changing the meaning rather than the form of the word. Bad has become good; bones are now money; sweet is no longer just a taste or personality type, but has also become an adjective for something fun or great. How these definitions evolve is anyones guess, but they are easily popularized through TV shows like South Park, and pop-culture personalities, such as Emenem. Over a long period of time Standard English will frequently change from one definition to another as well, reflecting the changes that society makes. Sometimes the change in a slang words definition will not be totally off base, still resembling the initial meaning to a certain degree. The word jet can signify a quick exit, similar to the speed of a jet, and bumming something from someone else spare change, for example, is similar to what a bum would do on the streets. Slang, particularly transitional slang, is notable for its liveliness, humor, emphasis, brevity, novelty, and exaggeration. However, slang is not just limited to the campus scene. Most slang is faddish and ephemeral, but some words are retained for long periods and eventually become part of the standard language e. g. , phony, blizzard, movie Learning Nertwork. Much of our current expressions were unheard of over 100 years ago, and many of the new slang terms circulating on high school and college campuses may some day become common speech. The web site The Learning Network lists the following examples of the words that have evolved into our lingo over the past century: of madnessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ loony, nuts, psycho; of crimeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ heist, gat, hit, heat, grifter; of womenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ babe, chick, squeeze, skirt; of menà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ dude, hombre, hunk; of drunkennessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ sloshed, plastered, stewed, looped, trashed, smashed; of drugsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ horse, high, stoned, tripping; of caressingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ neck, fool around, make out; of states of mindà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ uptight, wired, mellow, laid back; the verb to goà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ scram, split, scoot, tip, jet; miscellaneous phrasesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ you push his buttons, get it together, chill, she does her number, he does his thing, whats her story, Im not into that. Slanging is a practice that is very old, ever changing with the growth of those seeking to understand their own identity. It is a fascinating language to study becau se it reflects so much of the sociology of those who are using it. Regardless of where a person lives, his or her economic status, upbringing or value system, chances are every vocabulary includes at least a handful of slang terms that occasionally come out in speech for a more dramatic effect. If we take a moment to reflect on the slang of our own generations, we will be able to trace the transition from dependant to independent, and alienation to inclusion in the community. This is a language worth celebrating, first for its ability to empower those seeking to use it, and finally for its amazing capacity for gathering a diverse population into a common goal: self-discovery. As teenagers and young adults explore and develop this unusual language, they make paths for future generations to expand upon and make new additions that reflect their own times. Eventually a persons speech will tone down to better reflect the society he or she has grown into, but always, somewhere deep inside, a sense of identity and individuality will remain strong as long as the language of youth lives on.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Personal Motivation to Practice Osteopathic Medicine

Personal Motivation to Practice Osteopathic MedicinePersonal motivation to practice osteopathic medicine is a topic that has been brought up more each year. A lot of people ask how they can motivate themselves to follow their path as a doctor. There are so many individuals who have undergone surgical procedures and even passed the licensing exam and many of them are still in this program as well.Although people all over the world join professional organizations, they do not know what it takes to become an osteopathic physician. The idea of wanting to practice is really interesting for many individuals. They feel that becoming an osteopathic physician means having a lot of responsibilities.Many individuals take up careers of doctors in hospitals because they cannot afford to take their own time off. Many people might not want to have children yet, but they have to wait for them. The most common reason why individuals decide to join a medical professional association is because they do n't have enough money to pay for attending the schools that are required to become an osteopathic physician.When they learn that they have to start paying for their own life, they always consider quitting their jobs. It is not easy to start teaching yourself on your own when you don't have enough income. But if you find a solution where you can still maintain your income, you will be able to start teaching yourself on your own.This personal motivation is a difficult and demanding task to handle. It is not so easy to find out how you can achieve this goal. Some individuals join nursing homes because they would rather stay in bed all day and never have any physical activity. However, you have to remember that everybody has different needs when it comes to this type of profession.You need to know what it takes to be able to do what you love in your own self. It can be easy to get overwhelmed with the importance of this career. The challenge is that you need to become the best. Many peo ple choose not to think of how their personal motivation could improve their future and become the best person they can be.In order to be able to practice osteopathic medicine, you need to establish yourself as a professional. People often think that becoming a physician is about being a surgeon or a dentist. This doesn't mean that you cannot become an osteopathic physician.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Free Essays on Black Men In Public Spaces

themselves. The use of irony is enormously prevalent throughout the entire essay, and is nothing if not indispensable to the overall persuasiveness of his argument. Staples’ use of specific stories becomes essential to the meaning and overall power of the story, and creates the necessary elements that must be included if a writing is to be proper and effective. By using his own life encounters, Staples allows for a first hand understanding of what it was like in that particular situation, and also what he felt during those ordeals. Staples’ stories become such an integral part of the entire piece that without them, the entire essay would be totally lacking, and the emotional gain credited to these stories would be completely lost. This also makes for a much more flowing and sinuous piece, but still attests to the argument that throughout his life, Stap... Free Essays on Black Men In Public Spaces Free Essays on Black Men In Public Spaces In the late 1940’s, racial prejudice began a presumably unending journey, winding through decade after decade, usually lessening, though never completely disappearing. In more recent years, racial acceptance has become much more commonplace and laws formed by United States lawmakers have been implemented to ensure the fair and equal treatment of everyone, regardless of race. However, does this mean that every race is still viewed equally? In the essay entitled â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, author Brent Staples argues that he has been racially profiled on several occasions, and in doing so, has been falsely assumed to be a threat to the safety of those around him. By employing specific stories, Staples creates an intellectually and emotionally powerful essay. His inclusion of emotion is very effective in pleading his case that he has been racially profiled, and through his own emotions, he forms a completely multi-faceted essay. Also, by writing the entire ess ay in an ironic manner, Staples is able to create an essay that has meaning and rationale far beyond the words themselves. The use of irony is enormously prevalent throughout the entire essay, and is nothing if not indispensable to the overall persuasiveness of his argument. Staples’ use of specific stories becomes essential to the meaning and overall power of the story, and creates the necessary elements that must be included if a writing is to be proper and effective. By using his own life encounters, Staples allows for a first hand understanding of what it was like in that particular situation, and also what he felt during those ordeals. Staples’ stories become such an integral part of the entire piece that without them, the entire essay would be totally lacking, and the emotional gain credited to these stories would be completely lost. This also makes for a much more flowing and sinuous piece, but still attests to the argument that throughout his life, Stap...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Gollum, Epenthesis, and Haplology

Gollum, Epenthesis, and Haplology Gollum, Epenthesis, and Haplology Gollum, Epenthesis, and Haplology By Maeve Maddox As I watched holiday re-runs of the Lord of the Rings movies, I wondered if there might be a term for the way Gollum adds syllables to words. Note: Gollum is a fictional character in The Hobbit and its sequels by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Peter Jackson’s movies, Gollum is played brilliantly by Andy Serkis. Gollum frequently adds a sound or syllable to words, especially plurals. For example: Sneaky little hobbitses. Put out his eyeses, make him crawl. What has it got in its nasty little pocketses? Master tricksed us.   Wicked, tricksy, false! There is a term for adding sounds to words: epenthesis /ee-PEN-thih-sis/. In phonology, epenthesis is the addition of one or more sounds to a word, usually within the word, but not always. The term combines Greek epi, â€Å"in addition to,† en, â€Å"in,† and thesis, â€Å"putting.† The addition of a consonant is called excrescence and the addition of a vowel is called anaptyxis. Here are some common examples of epenthesis sometimes heard in conversation: /I-dee-r/ for idea /drawr-ing/for drawing /fil-um/ for film /ath-a-leet/ for athlete /somp-thing/ for something Haplology, on the other hand, is dropping a sound or syllable from a word. The term combines Greek haplos, â€Å"simple† and logos, â€Å"speech.† Here are examples of haplology: /feb-u-ree/ for February /lye-bree/ for library /prob-ly/ for probably The examples I’ve given are all nonstandard pronunciations, but sometimes the processes of epenthesis and haplology result in alterations that eventually become standard. Epenthesis gives us England and thunder. The name England derives from the earlier form Engla land. An earlier form of thunder was thunner. Haplology is at work in the pronunciation of the British place name Worcester, which is still spelled with three syllables, but pronounced with two: /WOOS-ter/. Some regional speakers pronounce Mississippi as /mis-SIP-ee/. A similar process in spelling is called haplography: â€Å"Missippi† for Mississippi. (Also called misspelling.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Synonyms for â€Å"Meeting†Hang, Hung, HangedEach vs. Both

Saturday, February 15, 2020

History of Roman Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History of Roman Art - Essay Example They preferred to get the portrait of renowned people, the statues that fully resembled the actual person like the statue of Cicero. There was a common perception that keeping good pictures of the acquaintances would help their ghosts after death to remain happy. This perception helped the art form to flourish during the Roman Republic and Roman Empire (Kidipede, 2009). The Greek art influenced the Roman sculpture. For example in Augustus’ Ara Pacis (the Altar of Peace) reflects the Greek art in the swirls at the front, in the frieze and in the meanders below the frieze. In history, it so happened that the Romans started winning battles with Greece around 200 BC. Roman soldiers while parading in Greece saw their art forms in their temples, cemeteries, public squares and in the houses of Greeks. While returning back to Rome, they took Greek sculptors along to work for them (Kidipede, 2009). Roman art got enriched with new ideas by the third century. Element of war appeared prominently because of war with Germany and the bloodshed. The effect can be seen in the column of Marcus Aurelius where people are shown beheaded and without guts; they are depicted as suffering. Artists made more use of drill than chisel for easy sculpturing which provided a distinct feel of the sculptor Concerns of the soul got manifested in the art forms which were due to presence of Christians in the Roman Empire. Eyes of the persona are shown as looking towards heaven or gods, symbolizing spirituality. Rest of the body parts like arms, legs and head are not shown in proportion, showing least concern to the significance of the body. As there were no battles in the fourth century AD, warfare portraiture decreased but spiritual element remained prominent through big eyes and unbalanced bodies till the dethroning of the Roman Empire. Roman sculpture was unique form in itself by focusing on the individuality aspect in it although

Sunday, February 2, 2020

4 essay questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

4 questions - Essay Example Labor force globally is aging. In Canada, the average age of labor force was 32 in 1972, which has arisen to 39 in 2000 (Career Sense). The age pattern of the population affects the education level, which in return directly affects the labor market. With baby-boomers due to retire soon, there will be a dramatic shift in the work force. Richard Freeman of the National Bureau of Economic Research, Washington states that changes in the global job market for science and engineering workers will diminish the comparative advantage of the United States in high-tech production (AllBusiness, 2005). Gender too plays a contributory role. About two-thirds of the total labour force growth resulted from increased participation from women. Women prefer part-time jobs and they contribute to increase in absenteeism depending on individual family culture. Immigration is another critical area due to which the culture and education level of the labor makes the role of human resource management challenging. IBM’s diversity strategy includes creating a work/life balance, advancement of women and integration of people with disability (Nicolson, 2006). Organizations today recognize the need to attract the right brains to thrive in the competitive market and retain the employees as work force is ageing and skilled force is in short supply. Changing composition in the global work force brings a shift in the human resource management. Canada used to have highly skilled migrants mainly from European countries but now has to rely heavily on those who do not possess language proficiency or the technical skills. Science and American graduates in America is gradually dropping, which signals a warning to the sourcing of work force. One of the key roles of the human resource management is to find new ways to motivate and reward the employees. Employee productivity and organization performance is directly linked with the compensation schemes that an

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Cancer and the Immune System Essay -- Biology T Cells

Have you ever eaten something without washing your hands or been next to someone who sneezed? If you have then you've been exposed to millions of germs. The world is full of germs (microorganisms) - things like bacteria and viruses which can make us sick - and simple things like breathing and eating are constantly exposing us to them. Sometimes we get sick, but amazingly enough, most of the time we don’t. Our body’s ability to fight off disease is due to the incredible immune system. Several T cells (white) attacking a tumor However, at times something goes wrong with the immune system. Everyone gets sick once in a while, and beyond making us ill, there are still many diseases which can kill people. Cancer is a disease which manages to defeat the immune system. But how? For years cancer immunologists assumed that the cells of the immune system simply couldn’t recognize tumor cells. After all, if they could, cancer would be no more serious than the common cold. The many people who die each year from cancer seem to support the view that the immune system is blind to tumor cells. However, new experimental evidence indicates otherwise. As often happens in science the assumed or most obvious view is not always the correct one. In a study designed to investigate exactly how cancerous cells defeat the immune system, a collaborating group of scientists found some very interesting results. In a Nature Medicine journal article titled â€Å"Characterization of circulating T cells specific for tumor-associat ed antigens in melanoma patients† they discovered a phenomenon we have dubbed Dead Cells Walking. The first problem was to identify anti-melanoma T cells. To do this they first harvested lymphocytes from the peripheral blood of mela... ... be no cure. The fact that specific TAA cells are present in people with metastatic disease opens up a completely new realm for oncologists. Perhaps new cancer therapies will be aimed at reviving the anergic T cells. This would allow physicians to work with the immune system of their patients, and together, maybe the cancer can be defeated. In addition, the study showed that chemotherapy significantly decreased the levels of anti cancer TAA cells. If those cells can somehow be revived, than a standard anti cancer chemotherapy regimen may actually be doing more harm than good. Physicians treat disease with the knowledge they have about how it works. Their treatments then, can only be effective if their knowledge is correct. As a result, studies such as this one, which clarify disease mechanisms, are critical for the continued advancement of the medical profession.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Population Health Essay

Population health is the aggregation of various approach to health care that determines the health outcome of a group of individuals (Nash, JoAnne, Fabius, & Pracilio, 2011). Population health brings together the total quality of health of individuals in the community, considering the disparities in cultures, socioeconomical status, demographics, etc. The outcome of health of individuals in a giving population is highly determined by the policies that govern the healthcare delivery and care interventions (Nash et al., 2011). The care interventions include health screening, promotion and prevention, disease management, and chronic care management (Nash et al., 2011). To improve safety and and eliminate health disparities in the population, it is important to improve the quality of care of individuals, and the community as a whole by creating awareness about disease, providing education and setting in place facilities to help treat such diseases early before it becomes chronic illness. These are all categorized under primary, secondary, and tertiary intervention. According to Kindig, & Stoddart (2003), the concept and measurement of health and health outcomes focuses attention and research effort on the impact of each determinant and their interactions on some appropriate outcome, and it also allows one to consider health inequality and inequity and the distribution of health across subpopulations, as well as the ethical and value considerations underpinning these issues. Nash et al. (2011), the basic attributes of population health as follows: Patient-centered care Identified care provider Interdiciplinary healthcare team members such as physical therapists, spech therapists, occupational therapists, social workers, etc Knowledge and recognition of determinants of health and the impact on individuals and the population Integration of the community systems with public health Application of evidence-based practice to provide good quality, and cost effective care provision of culturally and linguistically appropriate care and health education Implementation of interoperable cross-sector health information technology Nash et al. (2011) defines health disparities as â€Å"difference in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and the burden of  diseases, as well as other adverse health conditions or outcomes that exists among specific population groups, and have well-documents in subpopulations based on socioeconomic status, education, age, race and ethnicity, geography, disability, sexual orientation,, or special needs†. Disparities in healthcare can lead to high mortality and morbidity rates. It can also lead to low quality of life (Nash et al., 2011). It is important to recognize the impact that social determinants have on health outcomes of specific populations and strive to improve the health of all groups. Population health has opened the eyes of the government and other private sectors to the disparities in population health, and these bodies have come together to improve the healthcare system of the country. Over the years, efforts to eliminate disparities and achieve health equity have focused primarily on diseases or illnesses and on health care services. During the past 2 decades, 1 of Healthy People’s overarching goals has focused on disparities. In Healthy People 2000, it was to reduce health disparities among Americans. In Healthy People 2010, it was to eliminate, not just reduce, health disparities. In Healthy People 2020, that goal was expanded even further: to achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups (Nash et al, 2011). Kindig, D., & Stoddart, G. (2003). What is population health? Am J Public Health. 93(3): 80-383 Nash, D., B., Reifsnyder, J., Fabius, R., J., & Pracilio, V. P. (2011). Population health: Creating a culture of wellness. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Creationism Question Essay - 1829 Words

In a historical context, creationism versus the theory of evolution has always been a hotly contested subject, one of the major breakthroughs being when Darwin publicized his theory of evolution. When Darwin published his theory of evolution in 1859, his book was considered a major technological breakthrough at that time. The seeming â€Å"proof† that a God didn’t exist created a catalyst, where creationism was replaced with an almost atheism, because the existence of evolution counteracted society’s belief in God. In the article The Evolution Controversy: Who’s Fighting with Whom about What? Ted Peters and Martinez Hewlett writes that Thomas Huxley and his grandson, Julian Huxley, saw Darwin’s theory as an explanation as to why they were†¦show more content†¦Evidence in geological records suggests that the levels of oxygen contained within the atmosphere is linked to the carbon cycle, which in turn is connected to the oxygen cycle. Nancy Triebes, who self-identifies as an intelligent-design creationist and took classes in Zoology, Botany, Geology, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, and Astronomy and Physics, and sum cum laude in Liberal Arts and Sciences as well as a BA in Christian Theology, that creationism is related to science. In her 1997 unpublished novel How Life Began: The Emergence of Life, she writes that the appearance of complex animal life could not happen until certain conditions were in place on earth, and that â€Å"many passages in the Old Testament portray the patient, long-suffering, and nurturing qualities of the Creator, not only toward human beings, but toward His entire creation† (Triebes, 189). While one could argue that the sentiment is religiously biased, it does connect scientific paths to a specific section in the bible, which verifies that creationism theories are rooted in science. She continues to add that the geological and fossil records display the stages that the earth went th rough, therefore preparing for the arrival of humanity, and that only single-celled organismsShow MoreRelated Creationism in Public Schools Essay1429 Words   |  6 PagesCreationism in Public Schools Teaching Creationism in Schools The question as to whether or not creationism should be taught in public schools is a very emotional and complex question. It can be looked at from several different angles, its validity being one of them. Despite the lack of evidence to support the fundamentalist idea of creationism, that in itself is not enough to warrant its exclusion from the curriculum of public schools in the United States. The question is far moreRead MoreThe Louisiana Science Education Act Essay1728 Words   |  7 PagesIn the United States, evolution and creationism remain a controversial issue as far as which method should stay in science classes across the globe. 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However, an excellent HuffingtonRead More Do Creationism and Intelligent Design Have a Place in the Classroom?1280 Words   |  6 Pagesof Evolution† shares similar opinions (2007). In 2006, The Times published an article by Halpin reporting the inclusion of creationism in a new biology syllabus produced by the OCR exam board. James Williams, science course leader at Sussex Universitys School of Education, told the Times Educational Supplement: This opens a legitimate gate for the inclusion of creationism or intelligent design in science classes as if they we re legitimate theories on a par with evolution fact and theory.† The OCRRead MoreThe Theory Of Evolution, Introduced By Charles Darwin,1265 Words   |  6 Pagesare some who believe in theistic evolution, which is the study of religious teachings about God (also known as creationism) that are then intermingled with the modern understanding of evolution today. That being said, a commonly asked question is whether or not science such as evolution and religion should be taught together. The answer to this question is no; evolution and creationism should not be taught hand in hand because they are two entirely different subjects. In 1968, the United StatesRead MoreThe Theory of Evolution and Creationism Debate The subject on what goes into public school1700 Words   |  7 PagesThe Theory of Evolution and Creationism Debate The subject on what goes into public school textbooks have always been an intense debate. Recently Bill Nye the Science Guy and Ken Ham held a debate on this topic on February 4, 2014 which gain over two million views. Which raised the question is creationism a viable model of origin in today’s modern scientific era (Ken Ham)? In order for one to answer this question accurately first one would need to know why this question is significant. Then theyRead MoreThe Beliefs Of The World : Creationism Vs Creationism1266 Words   |  6 PagesAysha Brockington Dr. Stamper GE 102 Compare Contrast 10/28/15 The Beliefs of the World: Creationism vs Evolution Creationism and Evolution is a heavily discussed topic all over the world, sparking controversy on every turn. Whether humanity evolved from monkeys over time or was created instantly by an almighty God; that has been the debate between creationist and scientist since Charles Darwin came forth with the evolution theory in the late eighteen-fifties. It’s hard to contest againstRead MoreThe Battle Of Creationism And Evolutionary Theory869 Words   |  4 Pages The battle of creationism and evolutionary theory is not a new one. That being said, in order to understand whether creationism has a place in secondary education, one must first understand the complexity of the matter. Evolution in itself is a theory proposed by Charles Darwin in 1859. Grossly simplified, the theory states that life evolved from non-life; the concept of descent with modification. This theory arouses conflict because many Christians believe that it negates the literal interpretationRead MoreThe Debate Between Evolution and Creationism1648 Words   |  7 PagesIf the question was posed as to what is the debate between creationism vs. evolution consist of, the thought that it is ‘â€Å"God did it† vs. â€Å"Natural processes did it,†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Scott, 2004) may arise. Science cannot absolutely prove or disprove Creation or Evolution. Yet scientist and the remainder of society use creationism and evolution to prove our existence. Creationist believe in the Christian account of the origin as recorded in Genesis. Creationism is the belief that statements such as â€Å"In the beginningRead MoreShould Religious Education Be Public Schools?1719 Words   |  7 Pagesbackgrounds. Creationism is thought to be a great asset to the education curriculum. Creationism is composed of parts equally religious and science (evolution). It is disadvantageous to exclude this based on its involvement with religion. Additionally, to not include the idea of a creator in our idea of the world’s conception is deemed unconstitutional and senseless. According to the First amendment, no law should prohibit the practice of religion nor should it affect freedom of speech. Creationism should